Page 191 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 191

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         Individuals with high self-awareness and strong intrinsic motivation are better equipped to forge authentic
         psychological  contracts  that  align  with  their  values  and  aspirations.  This  alignment  fosters  ownership,

         commitment, and engagement, propelling productivity forward.

         When psychological contracts are violated, the dance doesn't stop. Here, emotional intelligence skills like

         empathy,  relationship  building,  and  effective  communication  become  crucial.  They  equip  employees  to

         navigate challenges with understanding, empathizing with organizational constraints while assertively voicing
         concerns and seeking collaborative solutions.

         This relationship is cyclical. As employees hone their EI skills, self-awareness deepens, empathy flourishes,
         and communication becomes more effective. This strengthens the foundation of trust and investment between

         them and the organization, creating a positive and supportive environment that fuels further EI development.

         For HR professionals, integrating EI development into talent management strategies is key. By incorporating

         EI assessments and training into hiring and performance evaluations, organizations can identify and nurture

         individuals with the skills that foster strong psychological contracts.

         Equipping  managers  with  EI  competencies  is  equally  vital.  By  fostering  transparent  communication  and

         constructive  conflict  resolution,  managers  become  conductors  of  the  dance,  ensuring  harmony.  This
         investment yields a symphony of benefits: a more motivated, engaged, and ultimately, retained workforce.

         The research doesn't  merely  provide  a snapshot.  It invites further exploration. Quantitative studies could

         solidify  the  interconnectedness  of  EI  and  psychological  contracts.  Delving  into  moderating  factors  like
         leadership style and organizational culture could shed light on the conditions influencing the relationship's

         strength. Finally, longitudinal studies tracking the interplay between EI fluctuations and contract fulfilment
         could unveil the causal mechanisms at play.

         In  conclusion,  the  research  reveals  the  captivating  interplay  between  EI  and  psychological  contracts,
         highlighting the critical role of emotional intelligence in building and maintaining strong relationships within

         organizations. By understanding and nurturing this dynamic, organizations can unlock their full potential and

         create  a  thriving  environment  where  employees  and  the  organization  waltz  hand-in-hand  towards  shared
         success. This exploration serves as a valuable springboard for further research and practical applications,

         paving the way for a future where emotional intelligence becomes a cornerstone of effective HR practices and

         organizational excellence.


               Yazbek, P. (2009). The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and the Psychological Contract:
                 An Exploratory Case Study.

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