Page 225 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 225
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Percentage Frequency
Very Satisfied 2.3% 3
Dissatisfied 9.12% 12
Neutral 43.1% 56
Satisfied 40.8% 53
Very Satisfied 4.6% 6
43.1% of students are neutral regarding the alignment of vocational courses with industry standards,
indicating they are ambivalent or uncertain in their assessment.
40.8% are satisfied, which shows a decent level of positive perception about industry alignment among
However, 11.5% combined are dissatisfied/very dissatisfied, highlighting gaps between curriculum and
industry standards.
Only 4.6% are very satisfied, suggesting there is room to improve curriculum alignment.
The neutral stance of many students indicates an opportunity to provide clearer demonstration of
curriculum-industry linkages.
Dissatisfaction levels imply specific areas where alignment with industry standards needs strengthening
through updated content, technologies and skills training.
Student feedback can help identify specific vocational programs in need of better industry alignment and
customize improvements.
Closer collaboration with industry partners, alumni networks and professional associations can help
benchmark curriculum against domain needs.