Page 223 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 223
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Data Interpretation
The majority of students (36.2%) indicate moderate awareness of vocational courses offered by the institution.
However, almost half (40.8%) show low awareness (slightly or not aware). Only a small percentage (6.2%)
are extremely aware of the vocational course offerings. This suggests there is significant room for
improvement in promoting awareness.
We can do a better job of telling students about vocational programs by explaining the benefits and future job
opportunities they offer. Students who already know a little about these programs would benefit from more
details, while those who haven't heard much need to understand the basics, like what programs are available,
who can participate, and what skills and experience they can gain, including through internships. Using
websites, school events, and even class time can spread the word effectively, especially to students who are
close to making decisions about their future education and careers.
Q4.How would you rate your perception of the relevance of vocational courses in today's job market?
Participants in VC’s Percentage Frequency
Not relevant at all 5.4% 7
Slightly relevant 12.3% 16
Moderately relevant 37.7% 49
Very relevant 37.7% 49
Extremely relevant 6.9% 9