Page 227 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 227
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
comprehensive experiences. Expanding corporate partnerships could also help enrich practical learning and
networks. Targeted improvements tailored to specific vocational fields could potentially increase very helpful
and extremely helpful perceptions.
Q8. How would you rate the quality of instructors and their teaching methods in vocational courses?
Rates Percentage Frequency
Poor 4.6% 6
Fair 20% 26
Good 53.1% 69
Very good 17.7% 23
Excellent 4.6% 6
The majority of respondents (55.4%) rate the quality of vocational course instructors and their teaching
methods as good. However, only 26.2% combined rate it as very good or excellent. This indicates most
students perceive the instructional quality as moderate, with room for enhancement. The lower ratings of poor
(1.5%) and fair (16.9%) suggest there are opportunities to improve teaching methods and instructor skills.
The data signifies students view vocational course instructors and instruction techniques as satisfactory but
not exceptional. Recommendations would be to identify areas for instructor development through student
feedback, emphasizing interactive and practical teaching approaches suited for vocational skills acquisition.
Investing in teacher training and integrating best practices for vocational pedagogy could potentially increase
the percentages of very good and excellent ratings. Targeted support for lower-rated instructors can also help
improve overall teaching quality.