Page 226 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 226
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Enhanced alignment could potential improve satisfaction levels and perceptions among students regarding
workplace relevance.
In summary, students have a moderately positive view but further curriculum-industry integration can enhance
student confidence in the workplace applicability of vocational course skills and knowledge.
Q7. Did you find the practical experiences or internships provided in the vocational courses helpful in
preparing you for professional roles?
Percentage Frequency
Not very helpful 8.5% 11
Slightly helpful 16.2% 21
Moderately helpful 20.8% 27
Helpful 47.7% 62
Extremely helpful 6.9% 9
The majority of respondents (47.7%) found the practical experiences and internships in vocational courses to
be helpful in preparing them for professional roles. However, only 27.7% combined found them very helpful
or extremely helpful. This indicates that while students see some value in the experiential learning components,
there is room to further enhance their effectiveness. The lower ratings of not helpful at all (8.5%) and slightly
helpful (16.2%) suggest some students feel the practical aspects did not adequately prepare them.
The data shows students find vocational course internships and hands-on experiences moderately beneficial
overall in readying them professionally. Recommendations would be to evaluate these components to make
them more impactful. This could involve aligning projects closer to workplace scenarios, incorporating
cutting-edge industry tools/technology, ensuring adequate mentor supervision, and structuring more