Page 26 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                Unveiling the Secrets of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in Online Retail: A

                                     Structural Equation Modelling Approach

                                            Monika Sehgal* and Kavita Malik**

         *Research  Scholar,  IMSAR,  Maharshi  Dayanand  University,  Rohtak,  Haryana,  India  (E-mail:

         **Associate  Professor,  U.I.E.T,  Maharshi  Dayanand  University,  Rohtak,  Haryana,  India  (E-mail:


         The study unpacks the secrets of online retailers to achieve customer satisfaction and loyalty by adopting
         different dimensions, techniques, tools of digital marketing. Prior research has been conducted to investigate

         the impact of digital marketing on customer behavior; however, this study adds to the literature by offering

         an  understanding  of  the  digital  marketing  dimensions  needed  to  achieve  engagement  with  customers,
         customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study solicited 370 replies from customers of online stores in Rohtak.

         To  investigate  the  relationship  between  the  recognized  digital  marketing  variables  (website  features,
         information  quality,  interaction,  participation,  cognition  behavior,  and  purchase  intent)  and  customer

         satisfaction and loyalty, a structure equation model was formed. This study is useful for emerging online
         retailers and suggests the ways to engage customers, to enhance customer satisfaction and make them loyal.

         Retailers should focus on website features, information quality, interactivity, and participation, cognition

         and  purchase  intent  factors  when  using  digital  media.  This  study  also  found  a  noteworthy  association
         between  customer  satisfaction  and  loyalty,  implying  that  customers  who  are  pleased  with  the  services

         provided by an online retailer are prone to be loyal, which is required for survival in the digital realm.

         Keywords: Digital Marketing, Online retailers, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Structure equation

         model, Rohtak city.

         Statement of Intended Contribution

         The rise of the internet has opened up a whole new world of opportunities for online retailers. Online retailers
         bring into play digital marketing strategies to promote their products and services, engage with customers,

         acquire data about customer preferences, and optimize their business operations. Additionally, they leverage

         digital media to build relationships with customers and create personalized experiences that drive loyalty. In
         the digital age, customers are more aware and demanding; therefore, customer satisfaction has become more

         complex,  and  making  them loyal is a difficult  task.  This study explains and  proves the  relevance  of the
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