Page 29 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         (Falkner, 2011) Stated that the interaction is must spice for engaging customers since traditional marketing.

         The recommendation technologies is not new norm in marketing, but it becomes complex in digital marketing
         landscape. Interaction spread the positive feeling in the heart of customers which lead to customer satisfaction

         and loyalty. (Mende, 2013) Attachment with the customers always positively significant for the customer firm
         relationships. According to (Dario Bonaretti, 2020), IT- enabled technology such as chat bots, social media

         bots helps companies to make interaction with the visitors and make them engaged customers. Interaction

         leads to customer experiences and then lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

         Researchers recognises the importance of cognition factor in customer buying behaviour research. According

         to (Dabholkar, 1996) Cognitive styles are important for understanding the key aspects of how consumers
         receive information. (Françoise Simon, 2007) Cognitive, demographic, and environmental factors all influence

         customer service preferences in the digital arena. There are many researches contribute to cognition factor
         affecting customer satisfaction. (Tifferet, 2012),  (HERZOG, 1984),  (A.L.BLUMENTHAL, 1977) etc.

         (Jiang, 2019) Clearly stated that participating customers are more satisfied customers as they become familiar

         to the brand, their products or services. Increasing client participation in the value-creating phase allows them

         to devote their efforts to co-creating the services (Bagherzadeh, 2020). Customer involvement, adopted by
         most firms, has been regarded as an effective customer engagement technique. (Ajitha, 2019). Participation

         by clients is a behavioral paradigm with a utilitarian emphasis that includes customers' expenses in time,
         commitment, and decision-making to improve the service delivery mechanism and outcomes. (Hung-Chang

         Chiu, 2005)

         Purchase intent
         (Arya, 2019)  Emphasis on remarketing for brand experiences. Customers who want to buy frequently from

         the brand it means that they are satisfied and loyal customers. According to (Cretu, 2007), company reputation
         plays an important role in making intention of buying from the company, whereas, (Gensler, 2013) stated that

         the social media influencers play significant role in making intention within customers.

         Customer engagement and loyalty
         The main instrument for success in digital arena, the higher conversion rates and higher customer engagement

         rate. Business practitioners and academics are increasingly focusing on "customer engagement" (CE) in co-
         creating customer experience and value. (Brodie, 2011). (L, 2009), engaged customers are loyal customers.

         Various research studies have successfully given statement on that there is a significant relationship between
         customer engagement and customer loyalty. (Van Doorn, 2010) (Bansal, 2004); (Biyalogorsky, 2001) (Ball,

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