Page 33 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 33
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Table 5: Measurement Model fit
Model fit index Threshold limit Advocated by Detected value
of freedom <5 (Tabachinck, 2013) 1900.1
GFI >0.80 (Hair, 2010) 0.908
Source: Author Calculations.
Structure equation model
Relationship between digital marketing parameters and customer engagement
To determine the association between customer engagement and different digital marketing parameters
(website features, information quality, interaction, participation, purchase intent); Pearson correlation was
conducted. Below table 6 suggest that customer engagement is approvingly correlate with the website features
(0.699) and Information quality (0.658). Cognition is strongly correlated with customer engagement (|0.642),
succeeded by interactivity (0.538), although participation (0.512) and purchase intent (0.231) are lower
correlates yet significantly correlated with it.