Page 35 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 35
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
Regression analysis
Table 8: Regression estimates
Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label
CE1 <--- WF 0.6 0.125 4.815 *** par_1
CE1 <--- IQ 0.354 0.065 5.452 *** par_2
CE1 <--- INT -0.108 0.034 -3.15 0.002 par_3
CE1 <--- COG -0.113 0.114 -0.989 0.323 par_4
CE1 <--- PART -0.068 0.042 -1.603 0.109 par_5
CE1 <--- PI -0.094 0.044 -2.125 0.034 par_22
CL <--- CE1 0.603 0.04 1.063 0.288 par_6
Source: Author Calculations
The table above shows that the weight of website quality (0.6) has a significant impact on customer
engagement. This implies that website features have the greatest influence on user engagement, followed by
information quality. Customer engagement (0.603) has a larger influence on customer loyalty. This table
provided evidence to support the study's hypotheses.
Hypothesis Discussion
The hypothesis we set for conducting research is that the variables website feature, information quality,
interactivity, participation, purchase intent, and customer engagement are associated with customer
satisfaction and that customer engagement is related to customer loyalty. This hypothesis is supported by
statistical results from primary data retrieved from Rohtak City customers. The hypothesis was thus validated
and the study concluded that customer engagement is a key factor in determining customer loyalty.
Table 9: Hypothesis results
Hypothesis Statement Remarks
Website features have a significant relationship with customer Supported
Information quality has a significant relationship with Supported
customer engagement
Interactivity has a significant relationship with customer Supported
Participation has a significant relationship with customer Supported
Cognition has a significant relationship with customer Supported
Purchase intent has a significant relationship with customer Supported
The degree of customer engagement and loyalty are Supported
significantly correlated