Page 32 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 32

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         Table  3  shows  the  respondents'  preference  for  online  shopping.  It  can  be  deduced  that  the  majority  of
         respondents (112) place online orders once in month followed by the respondents (106) place online orders 4-

         5 times per month. This result implies that respondents have a favorable attitude toward online orders.

              Table 3: Regularity of online purchases

                                            Frequency                                  Percent
               ONCE IN A MONTH              112                                        30.3
               2-3 TIMES A MONTH            91                                         24.6
               4-5 TIMES IN A MONTH         106                                        28.6
               MORE  THAN  5  TIMES  A
               MONTH                        61                                         16.5
               Total                        370                                        100
                Source: Calculated from SPSS

         Reliability test

         The reliability statistics show the internal consistency of the variables used in the study. Cronbach alpha values

         greater than 0.70 are recommended; this value always indicates data acceptance and leads to further analysis.
         (DeVellis,  2021);  (Kline, 2005). Table 4 shows that all of the items  accurately measure all of the stated

         constructs, and the aggregate data is likewise dependable, with an alpha value of 0.848, which is larger than
         the threshold limit of 0.7.

         Table 4: Cronbach’s alpha results

                                                    Cronbach's Alpha           REMARKS
                     OVERALL         RELIABILITY 0.848                         Accepted
                     STATISTICS OF 8 ITEMS
                     WEBSITE FEATURE                0.782                      Accepted
                     INF. QUALITY                   0.782                      Accepted
                     INTERACTIVITY                  0.885                      Accepted
                     COGNITION                      0.795                      Accepted
                     PARTICIPATION                  0.879                      Accepted
                     PURC. INTENT                   0.885                      Accepted
                     CUSTOMER                       0.835                      Accepted
                     CUSTOMER SATISFACTION 0.782                               Accepted
                     CUSTOMER LOYALTY               0.782                      Accepted
                    Source: Calculated from SPSS

         Model fit Analysis

          Before forming the model, it becomes necessary to calculate the pre-requisite statistics and obtain the results
         which close to  the recommended results  given  by the statisticians. Table 5 discloses the model fit index

         detected value, get through the AMOS software.
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