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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         Hypothesis Development
         The researcher formed the hypothesis to prove in this study after reviewing the related reliable literature

         available in journals, research papers, periodical articles, magazines, and so on; the table below illustrates the
         seven research hypotheses statements:

         Table 1: Hypothesis construction

           Hypothesis  Statement

           H1           Website features have a significant relationship with customer engagement
           H2           Information quality has a significant relationship with customer engagement

           H3            Interactivity has a significant relationship with customer engagement

           H4            Participation has a significant relationship with customer engagement
           H5           Cognition has a significant relationship with customer engagement

           H6           Purchase intent has a significant relationship with customer engagement

           H7           The degree of customer engagement and loyalty are significantly correlated.
         Source: Author


         A  quantitative  method  is  utilized  to  examine  the  relationship  among  the  different  factors.  A  planned

         questionnaire was sent out to the people of Rohtak in order to gather first-hand input. The questionnaire was
         divided into two sections; the first section enquired about the demographic features and the second section

         queried several claims, each using a Likert scale from 1 to 7. (“1” denotes strongly agree and “7” denotes

         Strongly  Disagree).  As  per  the  sample  size  formula  given  by  (Krejcie,  1970)  550  questionnaires  were
         distributed in Rohtak city, and 370 of them were completely submitted which implies the response rate is

         67per cent, 80 of them were rejected as either incomplete or incorrectly completed. Therefore, the sample size
         sums up to 370 which is far higher than the required threshold of 200 for developing the structural equation

         model. (Hoogland, 1998). Primary sources provide the data used in this investigation. Items for measuring

         customer  satisfaction  (Fornell,  1992;  Kotler,  2000;  Lin,  2011;Lee,  2016;  Bassi,  2022),  customer  loyalty
         (Dennis Herhausen, 2019; Watson, 2015; Dhruv Grewal, 2009; Söderlund, 2006;), website features ( Jaap,

         2010; Noor, 2015; Dr, 2019), information quality ( Sajad, 2014; Park, 2003), interactivity ( Muhammad, 2020;
         Blasco-Arcas,  2016;  Kiousis,  2002),  participation  (Mohammad,  2021)  (Pejman,  2021);  (Eunju,  2016),

         cognition (Rui, 2006), purchase intent (Muzakir Muzakir, 2018); (Banu, Rani, Malini, Idhayajothi, & Pavithra,
         2014) were adapted from previous studies.

         Results and Discussion
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