Page 315 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 315
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
says their expenses has increase slightly, while 33(28.2%) respondents says that their
expenses has stayed the same, 9(7.7%) says their expenses has decrease slightly and rest
4(3.4%) says their expenses has decrease significantly.
Figure 2.7: On average, how much more money do respondent spent now using digital
payment compared to before UPI was introduced
Less About the same Slightly more Significantly more
16% 12%
To know how much more money is being spent now using digital payment compare to before
UPI was introduced, it is observed that 14(12%) respondents spent less, 42(35.9%)
respondents stayed about the same, another 42(35.9%) respondents spend slightly more and
remaining 19(16.2%) spends significantly more.
Figure 2.8: Has the ease of making payments through UPI led respondent to spend more
money on non-essential items
Yes, often Yes, sometimes No, not really Not sure
4% 23%
The question was asked to know that weather the ease of making payments through UPI led
respondent to spend more money on non-essential items, and it was observed that 27(23.1%)
respondents agrees that they spent more often, while 55(47%) says that sometimes spends
more money that usual, 30(25.6%) respondents says that they not really spend more money