Page 320 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
6. Ghosh, A., & Puri, M. (2016). FinTech and the future of financial inclusion in
India. NIPFP Working Paper No. 2016-123.
7. Kumar, S., & Reddy, M. (2020), RBI working paper
8. PSSA, 2007; RBI Payment Aggregator Guidelines, 2020
9. RBI, 2020, “FinTech: The Force of Creative Disruption”, Bulletin November 2020
10. RBI Innovation Hub, 2023; IMF, 2020
11. RBI Innovation Hub, 2023
12. Smith, J. (2018). "The FinTech Revolution: How Traditional Banks are Adapting."
Journal of Banking and Finance Trends, 42(3), 15-30
Other sources:
Report by Deloitte, FinTech in India Ready for breakout, July 2017, IAMAI
Summary Executive report by PWC, the changing face of financial services growth of
FinTech in India, June 2022
World Bank, 2017; NITI Aayog Report, 2018