Page 316 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 316
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
and other 5(4.3%) are not sure. It is also observed that digital payment has made life easy and
it led people to spend more money than they were paying before UPI was introduce.
Figure 2.9: Respondents noticed changes in spending patterns at physical store since using
7% 22%
Increase Significantly
Increase Moderately
Stayed about the same
Decrease Moderately
34% Decrease Significantly
From the figure 2.9 it is observed that respondents have notice changes in spending patterns
at physical store since using UPI, while 12% agrees that their spending pattern has increase
significantly, 34% says increase moderately, 33% respondents feels that their spending has
stayed the same, other 7% says it has moderately decrease and rest 4% says it has
significantly decrease.
Figure 2.10: Respondents spending on online purchase changed since using UPI
Increase Significantly
35% Increase Moderately
Stayed about the same
Decrease Moderately
Decrease Significantly
To know spending pattern on online purchase changed since using UPI, the question was
asked and it was observed that 27% it has been increased significantly, 34% it has been
increased moderately, 35% it has been stayed about the same, while 3% it has decrease
moderately and rest 1% it has decrease significantly.
5. Digital lending markets in India (in USD Billion)