Page 378 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 378

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
              workforce and innovativeness. While traditional views focused on technological capabilities, recent

              research  highlights  the  pivotal  role  of  people  within  organizational  frameworks.  This  study

              concludes  that  agility  depends  on  the  people  within  the  organization  than  technology.  The
              prevailing  theory  posits  that  prioritizing  workforce  agility  and  fostering  innovation  within  a

              company  are  crucial  for  achieving  enterprise  agility.  This  research  aims  to  investigate  how

              organizational  cultural  aspects  influence  both  workforce  agility  and  innovativeness.
              Transformational leadership and talent management contribute to workforce agility, which in turn

              enhances  firm  performance.  Overall,  workforce  agility,  driven  by  leadership  and  talent
              management, plays a pivotal role in shaping firm performance and corporate reputation.

              Objectives of the study
                   To trace the historical evolution of agile methodologies.

                   To investigate the current state of adoption of agile practices within the IT sector.

                   To  elucidate  the  significance  and  benefits  of  embracing  agile  principles  in  workforce

              Importance of agile workforce
              Agile  workforce  management  plays  a  pivotal  role  in  the  success  and  competitiveness  of

              organizations operating in the dynamic landscape of the IT sector. Its importance can be observed
              across several dimensions. Agile workforce management enables organizations to respond swiftly

              to changes in  customer demands, market trends, and technological advancements.  By embracing

              flexibility and adaptability, Agile teams can quickly pivot their strategies, reallocate resources, and
              prioritize tasks to deliver value to customers more effectively. (Kaplan, 2023)

              Agile workforce management fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation within teams. By

              breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional collaboration, Agile methodologies encourage
              the exchange of ideas, knowledge sharing, and collective problem-solving, leading to more creative

              and innovative solutions. workforce management enhances employee engagement and satisfaction.

              By  empowering self-organizing teams  and providing opportunities  for autonomy  and ownership,
              Agile methodologies enable employees to take ownership of their work, develop new skills, and

              contribute meaningfully to the success of projects, leading to higher levels of job satisfaction and

              Embracing a flexible work approach enhances efficiency and productivity. Studies have revealed

              that businesses adopting agile practices saw productivity surge by as much as 20%. Each individual

              has unique preferences; some thrive in the morning, while others excel as night owls. Agile teams

              empower individuals to discover their optimal work rhythms, resulting in tangible improvements in
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