Page 375 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 375

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
                   Agile  Frameworks  and  Practices:  Various  frameworks  and  practices  within  the  Agile
                     umbrella,  such  as  Kanban,  Lean  Software  Development,  and  Dynamic  Systems

                     Development Method (DSDM), were developed or gained traction.
                   Agile Scaling: Techniques for scaling Agile to larger teams and organizations, such as the

                     Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), emerged during this time.

                   Further Expansion: Agile methodologies continued to be adopted across various industries

                     beyond software development, including marketing, finance, and manufacturing.

                   Agile  and  DevOps  Integration:  The  integration  of  Agile  with  DevOps  practices  became
                     more prevalent, emphasizing collaboration and continuous delivery.

                   Focus  on  Agility  Beyond  IT:  Agile  principles  were  applied  beyond  IT  departments,

                     influencing organizational structures, management approaches, and even company cultures.
              2020s (up to 2022)

                   Remote Agile: The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated the adaptation of Agile practices to
                     remote work environments, leading to discussions and innovations in remote collaboration,

                     virtual ceremonies, and distributed team management.

                   Agile  in  AI  and  ML:  As  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  and  machine  learning  (ML)  gained
                     prominence, discussions emerged on how Agile methodologies could be adapted to these

              Beyond 2022 (Projected)

                   Further Integration of Agile with Emerging Technologies: Agile methodologies are expected

                     to  continue  evolving  to  accommodate  emerging  technologies  such  as  blockchain,  IoT
                     (Internet of Things), and quantum computing.

                   Agile in Non-Traditional Fields: Agile principles may find applications in non-traditional

                     fields beyond technology, including healthcare, education, and government.
                   Continuous  Evolution:  The  Agile  mindset  emphasizes  continuous  improvement,  so  its

                     evolution  will likely continue in  response to  changing business  landscapes,  technological

                     advancements,  and  organizational  needs.A  waterfall  technique  and  an  agile  approach  are
                     used to illustrate how HR practices have changed over time.

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