Page 370 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 370

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
              14. Findings

              The p-value of 0.2335 suggests that there is not enough information to rule out the null hypothesis.

              Typically, when conducting statistical hypothesis testing, 0.05 is the significance level (α). If the p-
              value  is  larger  than  or  equal  to  α,  you  cannot  reject  the  null  hypothesis.

              No     correlation     exists    (r=0),    which      is    the     null    hypothesis     (H0).

              Hypothesis 1 (alternative): A significant correlation (r≠0) exists.

              Considering the p-value (0.2335) is greater than 0.05, there is not enough information to exclude the
              null hypothesis

              This  implies  that  any  apparent  association  between  respondents'  preferences  and  social  media

              followers  may  have  been  the  result  of  random  chance,  and  that  the  observed  correlation  is  not
              statistically significant. In summary, you would not reject the null hypothesis based on the given p-

              value, nor would  you draw the inference that respondent  preferences for watching  a league  and

              social media followers are statistically correlated.

              15. Suggestion
              It is advised to investigate other factors that can affect audience choices, as the analysis does not

              produce  a  statistically  significant  association  between  social  media  followers  and  responder

              preferences. Qualitative insights, audience demographics, and potential external elements that may
              add  to  the  complexity  of  fan  involvement  should  all  be  taken  into  account.  Subsequent

              investigations,  such  as  surveys  or  respondent  interviews,  could  reveal  subtle  facets  of  viewer
              preferences that may not be fully captured by quantitative metrics alone. Furthermore, investigating

              temporal trends—such as variations in social media activity over time—may offer a more thorough
              comprehension of the relationships between online presence and audience interest. The utilization

              of  an  iterative  research  approach  facilitates  a  comprehensive  understanding  of  the  aspects  that

              impact fan involvement within the league.

              16. Conclusion
              In conclusion, the present analysis highlights the significance of taking a comprehensive approach

              when examining fan engagement dynamics, even though it does not find a statistically significant

              association between social media followers and respondent preferences for seeing league games.
              The lack of a statistically significant link could suggest that there is a more complex relationship

              between  social  media  presence  and  viewer  preferences  than  can  be  determined  by  using  only
              quantitative  indicators.  It  is  critical  to  incorporate  qualitative  insights  and  conduct  a  deeper

              investigation  of  the  elements  impacting  the  behavior  of  sports  fans  as  the  landscape  of  sports

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