Page 365 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 365
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
consideration, and a technique was used throughout. For secondary data researchers get the
information from journals, social media, magazines etc.
10. Data Analysis and Interpretation
Fig 10.1
A] Demographic Data
Fig indicates that 78%, or 78 out of 100, of the respondents are in the age range of 18 to 35. The 18
to 35 age group is given special consideration in the study's analysis because it is the largest
supplier of replies.
Exhibit 10.1: Age of Respondent
Fig 10.2
For the study, there were 62/100 (62%) male
respondents and 38/100 (38%) female respondents.
Exhibit 10.2: Gender of Respondent
Fig 10.3
Only 4% of respondents have incomes exceeding 20
lakhs, with the majority of respondents (56%) having
incomes up to 5 lakhs, 40% having incomes between
5 and 20 lakhs, and so on.
Exhibit 10.3: Income Per Annum
B] Sports Consumption Habit
Less than 10% of the 100 respondents watch