Page 366 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 366
IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
league games regularly or very frequently, whereas the bulk of respondents watch them
occasionally or seldom.
Exhibit 10.4: How Frequently does respondent watch the league games
Fig 10.5
Online streaming services (49%), television (41%),
live events (9%), and others (1%), according to the
responses of 100 participants, are the most popular
platforms for watching league games.
Exhibit 10.5: Preferred platform for watching league
Fig 10.6 Displaying the answers to a question
concerning the amount of time spent each week on
sports-related media. Less than one hour is spent by
most people (48%) and more than ten hours per week
are spent by just 2%
Exhibit 10.6: Hours per week respondent spent
sports related content.
Fig 10.7
The following table shows the typical sources of
information that 100 respondents use to learn about
upcoming league games: social media ads (38%),
friends and family (23%) television commercials
(20%) internet news websites (16%), other sources (3%).
Exhibit 10.7: Finding about upcoming league games event.
C] Fan Engagement
Fig 10.8
Of the 100 respondents, 42 have never been to a live