Page 362 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 362

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24
              merchandising, and event management, have examined the financial effects of sports consumption

              (Fort & Quirk, 2005). Understanding economic trends, such as ticket sales, goods purchases, and

              viewing  data,  is  aided  by  researching  consumer  preferences  in  league  sports  (Rentschler  &
              Shilbury, 2008). This information supports the creation of long-term business plans and methods for

              generating income for the sports industry (Borland & Macdonald, 2003).

              3. Fan Engagement and social media: Fan interaction has beyond conventional limits in the modern

              digital sphere, with social media playing a crucial role (Kassing & Sanderson, 2010). Studies on
              how fans interact with league sports on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

              shed light on the development of fan groups, the amplification of sports content, and the possible
              impact of online discussions on offline fan behavior (Hutchins & Rowe, 2012).

              4. Technological Advancements in Sports Consumption: Research on how sports consumption is

              affected by technology breakthroughs is developing (Solberg & Pope, 2012). It's vital for sports

              organizations to comprehend consumer preferences for particular platforms and gadgets, like virtual
              reality experiences and mobile apps (Hoye et al., 2018). Innovative information delivery methods

              and user-friendly interfaces for league sports are developed with the help of this research (James,

              5.  Cultural  and  Regional  Influences:  Sports  preferences  are  heavily  influenced  by  cultural  and

              regional influences, especially in multicultural countries such as India (Chadwick, 2006). A more

              complex view of sports consumption can be obtained by looking at the ways that cultural factors
              affect preferences for game formats, team allegiances, and general participation (Dyck & Fischer,

              2016). For leagues and teams looking to customize their offers to a variety of cultural backgrounds
              and regional preferences, this information is priceless (Wann et al., 2018).

              6. Global Sports Industry Dynamics: The significance of comprehending local market features is
              emphasized by Bharat's rise to prominence in the global sports sector (Maguire & Pearton, 2000).

              Examining league sports consumer preferences benefits both domestic stakeholders and the larger
              conversation about the globalization of sports (Giulianotti, 2015). This study clarifies the special

              difficulties and chances that the Indian market presents in the context of the global sports scene.
              According to the literature, a thorough investigation into Bharat's league sports fan base's tastes is

              essential to understanding the geopolitical, cultural, technological, and economic forces influencing

              sports  consumption.  The  results  of  such  studies  can  improve  fan  experiences,  guide  strategic
              choices, and support the long-term expansion of the local sports sector (Mullin). et al., 2014).

              Consumer Preference Assumptions

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