Page 64 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 64

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

                 that work to  lower  women's  poverty usually rely on advocating for women's  rights  in  addition  to
                 rendering support to women. NGO intervention aids preserving these rights even if the majority of

                 Indian  legislation  advance  and  defend  women's  rights.  NGOs  can  significantly  contribute  to  the
                 improvement of ladies lives. The economic empowerment of women is a crucial component of such

                 good transformations, and own employment is a highly promising path in that direction. The following

                 are some ways that NGOs can contribute significantly to women's self-employment and empowerment:
                 training and skill development, capacity building, awareness and motivation, exposure, legal, financial,

                 and policy awareness, etc. 2020 (Edel Giving Foundation).
               Start Up: One of the programmes encouraging bank financing for start-up businesses that promotes

                 women to become entrepreneurs is being implemented in India. The Ministry of MSME claims that

                 India has one of the world's quickest startup ecosystems, making it the perfect place for women who
                 want  to  launch  their  own  businesses.  Our  country  is  the  most  advantageous  locations  for  women

                 entrepreneurs establish own company initiatives, according to a survey by the “Dell Women's Global
                 Entrepreneurship”, which questioned 450 women entrepreneurs in the United States of America, the

                 United Kingdom and India. The report also noted that, compared to similar enterprises in the United
                 States of America and the United Kingdom, predicted trends vary from fifty percent and twenty four

                 percent approximately, over the exact period, businesses owned by women entrepreneurs in India are

                 supposedly to increase by up to ninety percent.
               Cooperative Movements: By promoting individual empowerment and assisting in the overall process

                 of development, cooperatives work to strike a balance between the needs of the individual and the

                 community  at  large.  By  giving  Indian  women  employment  and  options  for  revenue  generation,
                 cooperatives have been significantly contributing to the improvement of their economic circumstances.

                 There are around 3,740 women's cooperatives in the nation, with a membership of one million. There
                 are 131 women's cooperatives with around 26,900 members in Gujarat alone (Edel Give Foundation,


         Gender Gaps:

                 Inequalities between men and women in terms of economic involvement and opportunities are still

         very high. G20 nations are working to promote women's entrepreneurship through financial aid, knowledge
         production, and governance for supporting enterprise in an effort to close these gaps. A variety of government

         initiatives, including the “Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana” & the “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana”, have
         been launched in India to encourage females to run their own businesses. In order to further the pursuit of

         sustainable development goals, this article examines how these initiatives affect women's financial inclusion

         in  India. Under India's G20 presidency, which will start in December 2022, it makes suggestions for the
         summit's top goals for  enhancing women's financial inclusion and encouraging  female entrepreneurship (
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