Page 77 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 77

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         5.11 Measures to Promote Welfare of FPO Members:
                 •  FPO  officers  provide  training  and  education  to  their  farmers,\develop  their  skills,  create  jobs,

                 livelihood,\improve living standards, improve health and hygiene, provide good education to their

                 • FPO provides loans to its members for purchase of crops, purchase of tractors, pumping equipment,

                 construction of wells and pipelines.

                 • FPO offers various insurances such as crop insurance, power insurance and life insurance for its

         5.12 Administration and Management:

         FPOs can struggle to effectively lead and manage, as many members may have limited experience in managing
         collective enterprises. Leadership, decision-making and accountability can create problems. Securing adequate

         and  affordable  credit  and  financial  resources  for  FPO  operations  such  as  purchasing  production  inputs,

         investing in infrastructure and expanding operations can be difficult. Many FPOs do not have collateral to get
         the loan. Building and maintaining strong market linkages is very important for FPOs to ensure fair pricing

         for their products. Lack of reliable markets, price fluctuations and limited bargaining power can be a major
         obstacle. FPOs often face limitations in the availability of modern farming techniques, storage facilities and

         transport infrastructure, which can lead to post-harvest losses and reduced profitability. FPOs can focus on a

         limited  number  of  crops,  which  can  make  them  vulnerable  to  market  fluctuations  or  crop  failure.
         Diversification can be difficult due to limited resources and knowledge.

         In some regions, social and cultural norms may limit the participation of women and marginalized groups in
         FPOs and limit their impact and scope. Inconsistent policies and lack of a supportive regulatory framework

         can hinder the growth and sustainability of FPOs. Clear policies promoting FPO are important. Continuous

         training  and  capacity  building  programs  are  very  important  for  FPO  members  to  adopt  best  practices  in
         agriculture,  marketing  and  financial  management.  FPOs  may  face  challenges  in  sustaining  long-term

         operations,  including  issues  related  to  leadership,  resource  mobilization,  and  changing  priorities.  FPOs

         sometimes  compete  with  each  other  or  with  other  agricultural  marketing  channels,  which  can  lead  to
         inefficiencies  in  the  industry.  Coordination  between  the  FPO  and  other  stakeholders  is  important.  The

         seasonality of agricultural production can create challenges for FPOs in planning and managing operations,
         especially when dealing with perishable crops.

         Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that  includes  government  support, capacity

         building programs, better market infrastructure and financial inclusion. Collaboration between government
         agencies, NGOs and private sector organizations can help FPOs defeat these difficulties and understand their

         expected in working on the vocations of smallholder farmers in India.
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