Page 76 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 76

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

             5.  The manufacturing company has to conform with the amended provisions of the Companies Act, 1956
                 (Chapter IX A).

         5.10 FPO Constrains Factors:

             1.  Limited Access to Capital: Admittance to fund is quite difficult for some FPOs, especially those in
                 rural regions. Restricted admittance to capital can oblige their capacity to put resources into foundation,

                 innovation, and limit building.

             2.  Market Linkages: FPOs often struggle to establish reliable market linkages for their members' produce.
                 Absence of admittance to business sectors, value instability, and delegate abuse can block farmers’

                 capacity to get fair costs for their items.

             3.  Capacity  Building:  Many  FPOs lack the necessary skills  and capacity to effectively manage their
                 operations, including financial management, marketing, and governance. Capacity building initiatives

                 are essential to strengthen their organizational structure and management capabilities.

             4.  Infrastructure and Technology: Inadequate infrastructure and technology pose significant challenges
                 for FPOs, particularly in remote rural areas. Lack of access to cold storage facilities, transportation,

                 and modern agricultural practices can limit the productivity and profitability of farmers.

             5.  Policy and Regulatory Environment: FPOs often face regulatory barriers and bureaucratic hurdles that
                 impede  their  operations.  Unclear  land  tenure  rights,  restrictive  agricultural  policies,  and  complex

                 regulatory requirements can hinder their ability to function effectively.

             6.  Risk  Management:  FPOs  are  exposed  to  various  risks,  including  climate-related  risks,  price
                 fluctuations, and production risks. Developing risk management strategies and accessing insurance

                 products can help mitigate these risks and protect farmers' livelihoods.

             7.  Social  and  Cultural  Factors:  Social  and  cultural  factors  can  also  impact  the  functioning  of  FPOs.
                 Gender inequality, caste dynamics, and traditional farming practices may pose challenges to inclusive

                 decision-making and participation within FPOs.
             8.  Sustainability and Climate Change: Environmental change presents critical difficulties to horticulture,

                 influencing crop yields, water accessibility, and farming practices. FPOs need to adopt sustainable
                 farming practices and climate-smart technologies to adapt to changing environmental conditions.

             9.  Access  to  Inputs  and  Services:  Limited  access  to  quality  inputs  such  as  seeds,  fertilizers,  and

                 agricultural  extension  services  can  hinder  farmers'  productivity  and  profitability.  FPOs  assume  a
                 pivotal part in working with admittance to data sources and administrations for their individuals.

             10. Marketing  and  Value  Addition:  Adding  value  to  agricultural  products  and  accessing  higher-value

                 markets  can  enhance  farmers'  income  and  livelihoods.  FPOs  need  to  put  resources  into  esteem
                 expansion exercises, like handling and marking, to catch a bigger portion of the worth chain.
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