Page 78 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 78

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         5.13 FPO Swot Analysis:
         STRENGTHS: Strengths of FPOs may include Work Structure, Coordination with Agencies, Business Model,

         and Direct Marketing of Fresh Produce.

         WEAKNESSES: Weaknesses of FPOs may include financial support, Lack of Professional Knowledge, Poor
         Infrastructure, Low Participation Level.

         OPPORTUNITIES:  Opportunities of FPOs  may  include  Limited  government  control,  Training of FPOs,

         Institutional support, Better connectivity.
         THREATS: Threats of FPOs may include Management functions, Long-term sustainability, Competition from

         private companies.

         5.14 Issues:

         Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in India are important entities that aim to empower farmers, improve
         their bargaining power and promote agricultural sustainability.

         However, FPOs face several issues in their operations and growth. Some of the major issues faced by FPOs in
         India are:

            i.   Many farmers,  especially in remote or marginalized areas,  lack knowledge about  FPOs and their

                 benefits. Educational and awareness campaigns are needed to encourage their participation.

           ii.   The process of forming and registering an FPO can be complex and involve legal and administrative
                 procedures. This may discourage farmers from setting up FPOs.

           iii.   FPOs can struggle to effectively lead and manage, as many members may have limited experience in

                 managing collective enterprises. Leadership, decision-making and accountability can create problems.
           iv.   Obtaining credit and financial resources to operate an FPO can be difficult because many FPOs lack

                 collateral or credit history. This limits their ability to invest in infrastructure and technology.

           v.    Establishing and maintaining strong market linkages are very important for FPOs to ensure fair prices
                 for  their  products.  However,  they  may  face  challenges  related  to  market  volatility  and  limited

                 bargaining power.

           vi.   FPO often lack access to modern agricultural techniques, storage and transport infrastructure, resulting
                 in post-harvest losses and reduced profitability.

          vii.   FPOs  may  focus  on  a  limited  number  of  crops,  which  may  make  them  vulnerable  to  market

                 fluctuations or crop failure. Diversification can be difficult due to limited resources and knowledge.
         viii.   In  some  areas,  social  and  cultural  norms  may  limit  the  participation  of  women  and  marginalized

                 groups in FPOs and limit their impact and scope.

           ix.   Inconsistent  policies  and  lack  of  a  supportive  regulatory  framework  can  hinder  the  growth  and
                 sustainability of FPOs. Clear policies promoting FPO are important.
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