Page 75 - IMDR JOURNAL 2023-24
P. 75

IMDR’s Journal of Management Development & Research 2023-24

         entertainers  and  any  remaining  units  that  can  advance  the  improvement  of  solid  and  suitable  creation

         In the Association Financial plan, the Public authority of India declared two significant drives to help FPOs

         Value Blessing Asset Plan to help FPOs by giving a sum equivalent to the capital commitment made by FPO
         individuals and credit. A guarantee fund scheme which provides credit guarantee protection to approved credit

         institutions, offers unsecured loans to FPOs.

         The  Government  of  India  in  2018-19,  started  “Operation  Greens”  for  onion,  potato  and  tomato  crops,
         attracting Rs. 500 Cr. to relieve vegetable cost unpredictability to serve farmers and buyers by advancing FPOs

         and laying out agro logistics, handling offices and expert administration frameworks. Further, 100%  duty
         exclusion was given to FPOs with a yearly turnover of up to Rs. 100 Cr. for a very long time. In 2019-2020,

         India reported a Focal Area Plan to advance and support 10,000 FPOs the nation over.

         5.8 Supports from Government:

         • Equity Support Fund Scheme: SFAC gives value backing to qualified FPC organizations up to Rs 10.00 lakh
         per FPC gave the FPC has an enrollment of something like 50 investors.

         • Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme: The primary target of the Credit Assurance Asset Plan is to give credit ensure
         cover by giving unstable credit to FPC organizations, limiting their credit risk for advances not surpassing


         • NABARD: Producer Organizations Development Fund (PODF) Share/share capital up to Rs.25, 00,000/-For
         FPO, a maximum amount of Rs. 25,000 per participant, credit support for commercial, support for capability

         structure programs.

         •  Operation  Green:  Operation  Green  program  was  launched  by  Ministry  of  Food  Processing  Industries,
         Government of India in 2018-19. A subsidy on subsidy amounting to 70 percent of the eligible project cost of

         the rural production enterprise.

         5.9 FPO-Salient Features:
             1.  FPO  is  a  fusion  of  a  combined  stock  enterprise  and  a  cooperative.  The  accepted  procedures  of

                 enterprises and the accepted procedures of restricted organizations have been refereed to. It has the
                 advantages of mutually commercial and cooperative association.

             2.   At least ten people participated in any movement connected with essential creation or at least two

                 makers or organizations in a relationship of at least ten people or creation offices. The Organization is
                 restricted and the liabilities of the individuals are restricted to the sum in the event that the offers are


             3.  The capital part is the share capital invested by the members as share capital.
             4.  The FPO provides a legal and adjusting structure that creates the opportunity to participate with other

                 industries        on        economic        terms        that   may    shape       the      FPO.
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