P. 79
It is not giving very positive perception of the
borrowers about the level of ease in applying,
sanctioning and disbursement of the loan.
Economic Impact: Perception of the Beneficiaries
of Mudra Loan on Business
The perception of the Mudra Loan beneficiaries
towards the impact of loan on their business has
been identified with the help of Five point Likert
scale with the corresponding scores ranging from
Strongly Agree (5) to Strongly Disagree (1). With a
motive to identify the perception of beneficiaries, five
constructs have been considered. The responses
of the respondents have been summarized in the
(Table. No. 9)
It exhibits the levels of agreement for each of the
construct along with the frequency and percentage
of responses to each of the levels. Mean score has
been computed for each construct on a five-point