P. 76

two  years  and  CA  certified  Financials  has  been
          challenge for the borrowers, similarly  they are
          somewhat agreed with the requirement of margin


          The study shows that majority of the respondents
          are  accepting  that  the  documentation required
          for  Mudra  Loan  is  comparatively  be  arranged

          easily by the small businesses. The overall
          documentation impact is positive which is not
          acting as any hindrance for a small business units
          or entrepreneurs for applying for Mudra Loan.

          Procedural Impact: Perception Study
          towards Loan Sanctioning Procedure

          The  perception  of  the  Mudra  Loan  beneficiaries
          towards the ease of loan procedure has been
          identified with the help of Five point Likert scale with

          the corresponding scores ranging from Most Easy
          (5) to Most Difficult (1). With a motive to identify
          the perception of beneficiaries towards difficulty in
          loan sanctioning procedure seven constructs have

          been considered. The responses of the respondents
          have been summarized in the (Table. No 8).

          It exhibits the levels of agreement for each of the
          construct along with the frequency and percentage

          of responses to each of the levels. Mean score has
          been computed for each construct on a five-point

   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81