P. 72

(Figure No. 21 – Purpose of Loan).

            Documentation Impact: Perception of

           the Beneficiaries of Mudra Loan about

                      required documentation

          The  perception  of  the  Mudra  Loan  beneficiaries
          towards the documentation required for the taking

          loan has been identified with the help of Five point
          Likert scale with the corresponding scores ranging
          from  Strongly  Agree  (5)  to  Strongly  Disagree
          (1).  With  a  motive  to  identify  the  perception  of

          beneficiaries towards documentation requirement,
          ten constructs have been considered. The responses
          of the respondents have been summarized in the
          (Table. No 7).

          It exhibits the levels of agreement for each of the
          construct along with the frequency and percentage
          of responses to each of the levels. Mean score has
          been computed for each construct on a five-point


   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77