Page 32 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
P. 32

IMDR’s Journal of  Management  Development and Research 2020-21

          At the time of final convergence, the exact share is     As has been explained in algorithm, the consumer
        obtained. Next, the Transition matrix [T] is formed  & transition matrices and results are initialized. The
        based on sales records of suppliers  A and B and  matrix multiplication  is performed using  a nested
        the transition model shown in Fig 2. It should be  for loop. The  output  of first  iteration  is displayed
        noted  that  the  transition matrix  [T] would  be  the  as [4000.00, 2400.00]. On similar lines, number of
        same through  the  analysis.  Depending  on  number  iterations are performed till the constant output is
        of  iterations  there  would  be  change in  Consumer  obtained.
        Matrix. The iteration count I is provided to count        V  CONTRIBUTION  TO ATMA-NIRBHAR
        number of iterations. Initially it is set to 1. Then the  BHARAT CONCEPT
        matrices [C] and [T] are multiplied to obtain a new       This  paper  contribution  to  the  Atma-Nirbhar
        consumer matrix [C’]. The number of  iterations are  Bharat concept  announced by  the  Government  of
        continued till the values of consumer matrices are  India. Out of the five pillars of the Abhiyan namely
        yielding constant values. This is called convergence.  economy, infrastructure, system. vibrant demography
        Thus  the  exact share  of consumers  is  obtained  at  and demand, this paper contributes to the demand
        convergence.                                            pillar of the scheme. By analyzing demand-supply
           IV THE PYTHON PROGRAMMING BASED  scenario  using Python  based  Markov Chain,  the
        APPROACH                                                demand-supply relation would be improved. The
          Python  is  an  interpreted,  high  level,  general  gap between demand and supply would be reduced
        purpose,  object  oriented,  platform independent,  which would lead to improve the economy.
        web enabled dynamically typed  programming                VI   CONCLUSION
        language developed by Guido Van Rossum at                 The  Markov Chain is  an effective tool for data
        National  Research Institute  for  Mathematics and  analysis  in  various  applications  such  as finance,
        Computer Science in Netherlands in early nineties.  stock markets, census measurements, marketing
        As of today, it is one of the popular programming  and supply chain management. However at the time
        languages all over the world. It is widely used in new  this technique was invented by Andrei A. Markov
        technologies such as data science, big data, machine  the  problem of handling  complexity  due  to  huge
        learning, Internet of Things, cloud computing and  amount  of data arising  because  of parameters
        artificial intelligence. Google, You Tube, Instagram,  such as more number of markets,  large number of
        Dropbox,  Quora,  Big Torrent,  Delug,  Cinema4D  consumers, large number of suppliers and variety of
        and Mozilla Firefox are some of famous and globally  products was encountered. This problem took bigger
        used applications based on Python. Python can be  shape during the later period of development. This
        effectively used to conduct Markov Chain analysis.  problem can be tackled by adopting new generation
        This is explained by taking a small sample of Python  technologies  such  as  Python  Programming,  Data
        Source code pertaining to the above discussed case.  Science,  Big Data and Cloud  Computing.  In this
        This sample code calculates first iteration.            paper the Python programming based approach to
                                                                handle  complexity  for  implementation  of  Markov
                                                                Chin technique has been presented. The proposed
                                                                method  has  been  illustrated  by  an example of a
                                                                marketplace.  The  proposed  paper  supports  Atma-
                                                                Nirbhar concept announced by the Government of
                                                                India under pillar ‘demand’.
                                                                  1. Dr.Shashikant Bakre, ‘How to manage your supply
                                                                    chain?’, KDP Amazon Publishing 2015
                                                                  2. Dr. Shashikant Bakre, Dr. Priya Gokhale, ‘ Python
                                                                    Programming in easy steps’ , KDP Amazon
                                                                    Publishing 2019
                                                                  3. Ranjit Kumar , ‘Research Method logy- a step by
                                                                    step guide for beginners’, SAGE publishing
                                                                  4. John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron, ‘Python for
                                                                    Data Science’, Wiley India Ltd publishing
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