Page 28 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2020-21
Gantt chart
As a project manager, you have been asked to 7. Readings and references
present Gantt chart to the top level management for 1. Smith, Angela, 2012. “The Pros and Cons of
Managerial review and comments, if any. Outsourcing,” UNLV Capstones. Paper 1478
EDP manager has awareness about different 2. Tibor Kremic, Oya Icmeli Tukel and Walter O.
implementation strategies of a software project. Rom ,2003 “Outsourcing decision support : a
But he needs some help to decide implementation survey of benefits, risks, and decision factors”.
strategy to be followed for smooth transition from 3. Nicolaou, A. (2004). “Firm Performance
old system to new system without affecting working Effects in Relation to the Implementation
of organization. You as a project implementation and Use of Enterprise Resource Planning
consultant, must suggest best strategy to implement Systems,” Journal of Information Systems,
the new version of software. 18 (2), 79-105.
Based on the findings of the enquiry, your task 4. Pavlou, P. A., Housel, T. J., Rodgers, W. &
is to identify different solutions that will help Jansen, E. (2005). “Measuring the Return
EDP manager, Project Manager and Top level on Information Technology: A Knowledge-
management of Shivam Agrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. Based Approach for Revenue Allocation at
Kolhapur. the Process and Firm Level,” Journal of the
Association for Information Systems, 6 (7),
6. Conclusion 199-226.
This case study has multidisciplinary approach 5. Pilat, D. (2004). The ICT Productivity
for software project management-this allows Paradox: Insights from Micro Data, OECD
participants to understand different issues in File Economic Studies, 38, 37-65
Processing system & Advantages of DBMS over 6. Alford, L.P., 1918. An industrial achievement
FPS. It also touches different factors responsible for of the war. Industrial Management 55 (2),
software up gradation and also what are pros and 97–100.
cons of in-house software development Vs third 7. Mohite B.J., (2013), Issues and Strategies in
party development or outsourcing. Managing E-Waste in India, Indian Journal of
When a business organization has multiple Research in Management, Business and Socia
branches distributed geographically and management
members need information on tip of finger. In this
case how web-ERP and Network Topologies helps
to achieve these things is also covered.
As a project stakeholder, if one knows Gantt
chart, one can easily identify progress of project as
well as status of project. If there is any deviation in
actual status and Gantt chart, different managerial
controlling measures can help to inline project with
This case study focuses on different implementation
and transition strategies can be selected with their
merits and demerits.
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