Page 25 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2020-21
Corpus for MSMEs: A fund of funds with a References
corpus of Rs 10,000 crore will be set up for MSMEs. 1. Abhiyan, A. N. (n.d.). MyGov. Retrieved from
This will provide equity funding for MSMEs with https://aatmanirbharbharat.mygov.
growth potential and viability. Rs 50,000 crore is in/
expected to be leveraged through this fund structure. 2. Atma Nirbhar Sena. (2020). Self Reliant India
Street vendors: A special scheme was launched Mission- A Victory for Vital Economic Sector.
within a month to facilitate easy access to credit for Retrieved from Self Reliant India Mission:
street vendors. Under this scheme, bank credit will
be provided to each vendor for an initial working india-mission/
capital of up to Rs 10,000. This is estimated to 3. Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan (Self-
generate liquidity of Rs 5,000 crore. Reliant India Mission). (n.d.). Entrpreneur
India. Retrieved from https://www.
Potential Entrepreneurial Opportunities:
Some of the potential entrepreneurial opportunities atmanirbhar+bharat+abhiyan+(self-
for Indian entrepreneurs are: reliant+india+mission)
1) Portable Cabins Manufacturing 4. Campaign, A. N. (2020). wikipedia. Retrieved
2) Aluminum Doors and Windows from wikipedia:
Manufacturing wiki/Atmanirbhar_Bharat
3) Concrete Block Manufacturing 5. Doshi, D. V. (2020, 12). Vision of Atma
4) Toy Manufacturing Nirbhar Bharat: Role and Significance of
5) Pharmaceutical Drugs Manufacturing MSME. The Management Accountant.
6) Hand Tools Manufacturing 6. Dr. Smita Dubey, D. D. (2020, 7 4). Atma
7) Conveyor Belt Manufacturing Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: An Analytical
8) Kitchen Utensils Manufacturing Review. Dogo Ransang Research Journal,
9) Chemical Production 10(7), 28.
10) Nails, Nuts and Bolts Manufacturing 7. Mahato, R. S. (n.d.). A STUDY ON
Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan will show its CONTEXT. Book of Proceedings:
positive impact in long term. Indian economy has a International Multidisciplinary Conference in,
potential to become self- reliant but requires proper Technology, Business, Management & liberal
implementation of laws and regulations. Also, the arts.
funds allocated by the government to various sectors
should reach to them without any biasness. The
motive of the campaign can only be fulfilled if the
spirit of Indian entrepreneurs continues to grow on
sustainable basis. Financial assistance and investment
in manufacturing sector will eventually help to boost
the Indian economy. Also, the man power should
be well equipped with the required skills in order to
carry out production activities. Increase in number
of entrepreneurs will also increase the employment
opportunities and thus it will improve the standard
of living, thus uplifting the economy.
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