Page 22 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of  Management  Development and Research 2020-21

               Rationale & Significance of The Study:           has opportunity  to diversify  global supply chains
          The study focuses on  how the Aatma Nirbhar Bharat  by  integrating demand- supply basics  with  highly
        mission will boost the entrepreneurial opportunities  diversified value- chains, emerging technologies and
        that will eventually help in stabilizing the declining  artificial  intelligence,  while  increasing  the  use  of
        economy of the nation.  Aatma Nirbhar  Bharat  digital platforms and other applications.
        Abhiyan aims at encouraging entrepreneurship  in
        the country. It aims at focusing and creating the         2) “Vision of Atma Nirbhar Bharat”- Role and
        environment  of innovation. It focuses  on making  Significance of MSME
        India self- reliant, and not isolating it from the world.   Aatma Nirbhar Bharat which means independent
        Indian start-ups and innovators will play a vital role  India, is the vision of making India a greater and
        in the success of the mission. The Aatma Nirbhar  more significant aspect of the world economy. The
        Bharat Abhiyan is a chance for Indian start-ups to  campaign upholds Indian economy in battling with
        take  charge of the  innovations  for  which  we are  the Covid-19 pandemic. MSME, being the backbone
        usually dependent  on global suppliers.  Due  to the  of the economy, the campaign promotes the concept
        Covid-19 pandemic and prevailing lockdowns, there  of vocal for local for strengthening  the  MSME
        was a huge impact on the employment. And hence  sectors.  After  the  agriculture  industry,  MSME is
        it was necessary for the government to take steps in  considered to be the second largest industry of the
        order to boost  the  employment  opportunities  and  country and thus the government aims at providing
        making the citizens self- reliant. With the vision of  various benefits to it, resulting in the growth of the
        making India self- reliant, it not only helped citizen  industry. It is required to fix the various issues faced
        in person  to cope of with their  requirements  but  by MSME sector in last two decades, some of them
        also reduced to country’s reliant on other countries.  are: quality workforce, access to credit, branding and
        According to the sources, 10,60,717 established and  promotion.  MSME sector has  contributed  to  both
        emerging entrepreneurs are associated with Aatma  GDP and exports.
        Nirbhar  Bharat Abhiyan who  are availing various
        benefits provided by the government to encourage          3)  Aatma  Nirbhar  Bharat  Abhiyan: Website
        the ease of doing business. Hence considering the  Review
        huge size of entrepreneurs in the nation with further     Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan was launched
        scope of developing  Entrepreneurship  and the  by Prime Minister Narendra Modi with the vision
        governments  Initiative to enhance the  momentum  of making India self-  reliant.  It does  not  aim at
        of Entrepreneurship through Aatma Nirbhar Bharat  isolating  the country from rest of the world. It
        campaign, this  signifies  the  rationale  behind  this  promotes  manufacturing  the  required  goods and
        study.                                                  services within the country that will led to increase
                                                                in the exports of the country.
          Literature Review:
                                                                  4) Self- Reliant India Mission-  A Victory for
          1) Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan: An Analytical  Vital Economic Sectors
        Review:                                                   The mission focuses on making India self-reliant
          Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan was launched by  in vital economic sectors and improves resilience to
        Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on 12th May 2020,  the future economic downturn. While the package
        with  the  vision  of making India self-  reliant.  The  targets various sectors, a few key ones especially
        relief package of Rs. 20 lakh crore was announced  lend themselves to innovations, reformations, and
        to mitigate the  negative impact of covid-19  on  widespread participation  by the country’s MSME
        the  economy.  The  campaign focused  to  create  and startup  ecosystem. Self-reliant  India Mission
        entrepreneurial opportunities  for the citizens  of  is mostly focusing upon the land, labor, equity, and
        the country. The term self- reliant does not mean  laws. It is determined to revive sectors like cottage
        isolation  from rest of the world. It rather focused  industry, startups, MSMEs, small businesses, other
        on  producing the  required  goods  and  services  enterprises, etc. This economic package is basically
        within  the country and thus  reducing the imports  for  our  cottage  industry,  our  small-scale industry,
        of the country. During these changing times, India  and our MSMEs, a means of livelihood for millions

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