Page 23 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2020-21
of people, which is the firm foundation for a self- of Entrepreneurship Development in Indian
reliant India. It also tends to provide means of Context. It further aims to study the Entrepreneurial
livelihood and raise the standard of living of the Opportunities with special reference to Aatma
poor and needy people who got severely hit by the Nirbhar Bharat Campaign enunciated by the Indian
after-effects of lockdown and pandemic crisis. Self- Government.The study encompasses the review &
Reliant India’s mission gives a boost to the economic understanding the world of Entrepreneurship and
potential of India. the respective efforts of Government in the form of
Table No.1 Definitions on the theme Aatma Nirbhar Bharat campaign. The inferences
Entrepreneurship & Aatma Nirbhar Bharat gathered through the study reflect the learning on a
holistic basis. Thus, the inferences gathered may be
Authors (years) Definition indicative in nature rather exhaustive.
Prime Minister, “Aatma Nirbhar Bharat
Narendra Modi is not about being self- Research Process
(2020) contained or being closed to The Author has adopted the following process for
the world, it is about being the study:
self-sustaining and self-
generating.” (Figure 1: Research Process adopted for the study)
Finance Minister, “Self-reliant India does not
Nirmala mean cutting off from rest of Entrepreneurship Development:
Sitharaman (2020) the world” B.C Tondon states, “Entrepreneurship is the ability
Joseph A. “Entrepreneurship is any to create something new, organizing and coordinating
Schumpeter kind of innovative function
(1934). that could have a bearing
on the welfare of an
Robert K. Lamb “Entrepreneurship is the
(1952) form of social decision
making performed by
economic innovators.”
Arthur Cole “Entrepreneurship may be and undertaking risk and handling economic
(1953) defined as the utilization of uncertainty. The main driving forcebehind any
one productive factor of the country’s economic development and the increase
other productive factors for of productiveness is a knowledge based society.
the creation of economic Start-up companies are the most suitable form of
goods.” implementing new inventions and consequently the
best mechanism for commercializing technological.
Objectives of the Study: In the long term, start-up companies create a large
The Author has considered the following objectives portion of new jobs tothe society and contribute to the
for the study: country’s economic growth.Considering that start-
1. To understand the significance of ups are majorly focuses on innovations, the potential
Entrepreneurship Development in Indian of start-up companies represents the healthy core of
Context the economy.”The Aatma Nirbhar Bharat campaign
2. To study the Entrepreneurial Opportunities is a launchpad to boost entrepreneurship, nurturing
with special reference to Aatma Nirbhar innovation, and development of an environment for
Bharat Campaign enunciated by the Indian rural-urban symbiotic development. India’s call for
Government. a self-reliant economy is not for protectionism or
isolationism. It is for adopting a practical growth
Research Methodology: strategy that would enable the country to identify
The study aims to understand the significance and capitalise on the inherent strengths. The need
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