Page 27 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
P. 27

IMDR’s Journal of  Management  Development and Research 2020-21

        one agrochemical  laboratory at Sangli and spent          Different  Activities/Tasks/Modules  identified
        about  seven  years on doing  different  research on  with their required time is given as follows-
        agrochemicals.                                           Activities/ Predecessor Optimistic  Most   Pessimistic
          In 1990, he started a small unit at Shiroli MIDC,      Modules               time       likely   time
        Kolhapur  with  the  name ‘Shivam Agrochemicals                                           time
        Pvt. Ltd.’ and now a days, it is one of the leading        A          -           5         6       7
        agrochemicals manufacturing  company  in  India.           B          -           1         3       5
        Initially they had only one manufacturing plant at         C          -           1         4       7
        Kolhapur. To handle all administrative and Inventory       D          A           1         2       3
        work (finished goods and raw material) they were           E          B           1         2       9
        using  one  prewritten  DOS  based  file  processing
        software. In the enitial days the usability and features   F          C           1         5       9
        provided by the system were quite satisfactory, but        G          C           2         2       8
        in current days the existing system fails to provide       H          E,F         4         4       10
        different services and capabilities like sending SMS,      I          D           2         5       8
        E-mail, Multiuser facilities and improved usability.       J          H,G         2         2       8
          In the  year 2010,  Mr. Raj Patil decided to start
        branches of Shivam  Agrochemicals Pvt. Ltd at             (Time given is in weeks)
        Gujrat,  Madhya Pradesh &  Uttar  Pradesh.  Head
        office of all branches of Shivam Agrochemicals is
        at Kolhapur, and Top level management members
        need to know daily working status and issues. But
        the existing system fails to fulfil these needs. As an
        IT expert suggest some solutions that helps to solve
        these business issues.
          In June 2011, Ms. Shivani, was selected as EDP
        manager at head office  of Shivam Agrochemicals
        Pvt. Ltd. She studied all the business requirements
        and gave proposal to top level management
        regarding in-house up gradation of existing system
        to  web  application.  As  a business  analyst  and
        technical  consultant,  top  level  management  of
        Shivam  Agrochemicals expect your opinion  about          Network diagram
        in-house development and outsourcing the software
        development.  Also suggest necessary network
        type  and  network  topology  suitable  for  Shivam
        Agrochemicals Pvt. Ltd.
          Finally, it is decided to upgrade the system from
        DOS based to Web Application  and also decided
        different  modules  to  be  designed  to  handle  all
        business as well as management needs. The Project
        manager created different estimations and schedules
        needed to complete project.

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