Page 24 - IMDR JOURNAL 2020-21
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IMDR’s Journal of  Management  Development and Research 2020-21

        of entrepreneurship  development  is  an important        Phase-III: Agriculture
        aspect  of the  economy.  It aids  for  both  existing    Phase-IV: New Horizons of Growth
        entrepreneurs as well as aspiring ones to develop and     Phase-V: Government Reforms and Enablers
        manage a successful venture.                              (Source:
          Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Campaign:                          The various government reforms that will help to
          Aatma Nirbhar Bharat campaign- a post pandemic  boost the entrepreneurial opportunities are:
        financial package was announced by prime minister
        to boost  up  the  economy and make the  country          Policy Highlights
        self-  reliant.  and  to  mitigate  the  negative  impact   Privatization of Public Sector Enterprise (PSEs):
        of COVID-19 -19 pandemic on the economy.  The  A new PSE policy has been announced with plans
        government  issued  the  economic package  of  Rs.  to  privatize  PSEs,  except  the  ones  functioning  in
        20  lakh crores  on 12th  May, 2020.  Subsequently,  certain strategic sectors which will be notified by the
        two more Aatma  Nirbhar Bharat packages were  government.  In strategic sectors, at least one PSE
        announced on 12 October and 12 November 2020,  will remain, but private sector will also be allowed.
        bringing the total economic stimulus to ₹29.87 lakh  To minimize wasteful administrative costs, number
        crore. The aim is to make the country and its citizens  of enterprises in strategic sectors will ordinarily be
        independent and self-reliant in all senses. The five  only one to four; others will be privatized/ merged/
        pillars  of Aatma Nirbhar  Bharat are Economy,  brought under holding companies.
        Infrastructure, System,  Vibrant  Demography and
        Demand.  Due to the pandemic and strict lockdowns         Collateral  free loans  for  businesses: All
        imposed by the government, there was a huge decline  businesses  (including MSMEs) will be provided
        in the international trade. The Country was facing  with collateral free automatic loans of up to three
        the  shortage of goods that  were imported from  lakh crore rupees.  MSMEs can borrow up to 20%
        several countries.  Hence,  this  later on  came as an  of their  entire  outstanding  credit  as on  February
        opportunity for the country to produce such goods  29,  2020  from banks  and Non-Banking  Financial
        within the country and become the global suppliers of  Companies (NBFCs).  Borrowers with up to Rs 25
        such goods. Government mentioned 12 sectors, viz.,  crore outstanding  and  Rs  100  crore turnover will
        auto  components,  textile,  industrial  machineries,  be eligible for such loans and can avail the scheme
        food processing, electronics, agro-chemicals, organic  till October 31, 2020.  Interest on the loan will be
        farming, aluminum and copper, leather and shoes,  capped and 100% credit guarantee on principal and
        masks  and  sanitizers  have been  identified  to  give  interest will be given to banks and NBFCs.
        more focus in order to become global suppliers. The
        Prime Minister had also urged people to adopt Made        Schemes for NBFCs: A Special Liquidity Scheme
        in India products to benefit domestic businesses and  was announced under  which  Rs 30,000  crore of
        that “every Indian must become vocal  for local”,  investment  will be made by the government in
        thus creating more entrepreneurial opportunities for  both  primary and secondary market transactions
        the budding entrepreneurs of the nation.                in  investment  grade debt  paper  of  Non-Banking
                                                                Financial Companies (NBFCs)/Housing  Finance
          Entrepreneurial Opportunities with special  Companies (HFCs)/Micro Finance Institutions
        reference to Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Campaign:             (MFIs).  The central government will provide 100%
          The     traditional   avenues     classified   into   guarantee for these securities.  The existing Partial
        Manufacturing,  Trading,  Agriculture  and further  Credit Guarantee Scheme (PCGS) will be extended
        leading to Services have always been the potential  to partially safeguard NBFCs against borrowings of
        avenues. Now with the campaign in place and the  such entities (such as primary issuance of bonds or
        additional  push  from the  government  has created  commercial papers (liability side of balance sheets)).
        a further wave. The Five phases of Aatma Nirbhar  The first 20% of loss will be borne by the central
        Bharat campaign are stated below:                       government.  The PCGS  scheme will facilitate
          Phase-I: Businesses including MSMEs                   liquidity worth Rs 45,000 Crores for NBFCs.
          Phase-II: Poor, including migrants and farmers

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