Page 41 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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stability. Gen Z employees are more pleasant attitude in their working
likely than earlier generations to lives. This attitude of GenYers
report they are just scraping by toward work culture distinguishes
to cover basic living expenditures them from traditionalists, and the
(50%) and paying off educational gap between them arises not only
loans (35%). Furthermore, they have in terms of demography but also
only saved $2,000 in emergency in terms of thinking and approach.
reserves, and 30% have delved into Managers today are having difficulty
their retirement funds. In addition, distinguishing the distinctions and
about one-third of Gen Zers have similarities between this tech-savvy
cut their day-to-day costs as a result generation’s attitudes and views and
of financial burden caused by the those of previous generations. The
epidemic. generation Y population is rapidly
In a research study done by growing all across the world. Today,
Shivani Inamdar from Symbiosis Gen Y accounts for over 25% of the
International University (Gen Y global population (Gibson, 2013),
Women in the IT Sector in India: with a sizable proportion residing in
A Review and Research Agenda) India.
the youthful demographic that has Priya Cherian, (Rewards vs
lately begun to enter the labour Culture: What’s the preference of
field is commonly referred to as Indian Millennials & GenZ?
Generation Y, millennials, Next Published by: People Matters on
Generation, or Generation Me. 04th November 2021) shared her
They are thought to have been born views about the importance of
between 1982 and 2000. However, good monetary and non-monetary
because there is no universal rewards that Gen Zers expect from
agreement on the precise birth their employers. Given the recent
years of this generation. The phrase pandemic’s impact, Gen Z is more
“Gen Y,” which refers to the youth inclined to prioritise money above
population, is gaining popularity other concerns when they enter
these days. Their open-mindedness, entry-level occupations, a feeling
frankness, inventiveness, and multi- shared by previous generations.
tasking approach distinguishes them While remuneration is important,
from previous generations. They are it is not the only factor that young
technologically adept and can easily employees seek for in an organisation.
work in a digital world. They do not Following remuneration, workers
believe in hierarchical structures now inquire about employee
and prefer a more relaxed and