Page 43 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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off student loan debts. N.Hima career development opportunities.
Bindu, Asst. Prof, at Sridevi According to Elwira, a content
Women’s Engineering College creator, (How to structure an
(A Study on Glass Ceiling and its employee benefits package for
Impact on the Career Development Gen Z. Published by: Pacific
of Women at Workplace. Published Prime on January 22, 2021) Gen
on: January 2022) said that women Z employees’ pay structure and
have less prospects for advancement their employers’ demands are
than males, implying strong gender an important aspect of today’s
favouritism in organisational pay structure. Employee benefit
advancement. The research aims to packages must be ready before
get information and guidelines in Generation Z joins the workforce.
firms that ensure equal employment Because Gen Zers are more money
opportunities for employees, conscious, they are more likely to
particularly women. In comparison stay with their initial employment
to males, there are far more women for a more extended period, given
who are brilliant, expressive, that essential benefits are offered.
problem solvers, fosters, critical As they are more concerned with
thinkers, and stress managers, but owning and purchasing than with
who are unable to demonstrate “experiencing,” pay, comprehensive
their abilities. For decades, it has health insurance, and training and
been observed that the women in development programs will be
senior managerial positions are very crucial to them. If an employer pays
low, despite having good academics, for all work-related costs, Gen Z
a wealth of knowledge, quality, and will feel more comfortable and may
efficiency, and this is only due to opt to stay with their employment
barriers such as mental blockage, in the long run. Workplace health
prejudices, and the glass ceiling insurance is generally considered a
phenomenon. The glass ceiling standard component of employee
is a strong barrier of transparent benefit packages. While Generation
nature that prevents women from Z members are high achievers eager
climbing the corporate ladder. The to work hard, they want their
study strives to identify elements company to meet all of their job-
that contribute to the glass ceiling, related demands. These demands
which in turn affects women’s include vision, dental, maternity,
career advancement, and aims to and even wellness benefits. Since
determine which characteristics are a Gen Z employee is particularly
the most detrimental to women’s concerned about money, providing