Page 45 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 45

Smt. Nabanita and Smt. Paramita  technical digital skills, to assist
       Chatterjee (Effects of glass ceiling on  women  in  breaking  gender
       women career development in India)  stereotypes and moving into higher-
       pointed out that although there is a  skilled jobs. According to Andre
       major rise in the number of women,  Brown  (What  millennial  workers
       women’s access to higher-level  want?  How  to  attract  and  retain
       management  jobs  remains  limited.  Gen Y Employees) the gender-
       Several types of research have  related  salary  differentials  in  rural
       proven this. The glass ceiling effect  and Generation Y’s concept of the
       refers to the phenomenon of stifling  ideal  employer represent a  down-
       women’s rise to top management  to-earth combination of idealism
       positions (GCE). It is consequently  and pragmatism, of care for self and
       essential that companies (both  others, according to this article. They
       private and  public) launch an  all believe that organizations should
       awareness campaign and include  help both individuals and society as
       equal employment opportunities  a whole. At the same time, they are
       in their company or organizational  hesitant to jeopardize their career
       policy. The findings show a negative  security and expansion for broader
       relationship  between  the  Glass  values. Andre Brown, from the
       Ceiling and Women’s Career  corporate accounting department,
       Development,  as well as that  says that nothing is satisfying
       Individual factors, Organizational  than to know that what you do
       factors,  and  Cultural  factors  for  a  livelihood  has  a  beneficial
       significantly   impact   Women’s  impact  on  the  lives  of  individuals
       Career Development. The current  in your town, country, or even the
       article investigates gender disparities  planet. On the other hand, tuition
       and discrimination against women  reimbursement, health insurance,
       in the workplace. The main barriers  and incentives serve to attract staff.”
       to women’s labor-force participation  When asked to rate the relevance
       are a lack of education and skills.  of 11 job-related characteristics,
       It  also  emphasizes  the  significant  poll  respondents’  salary,  perks
       effects  of  the  Glass  Ceiling  on  (including  health  insurance  and
       women’s    career   development    401(k) plans), and prospects for
       (WCD) at the executive and small  professional growth and progress
       business levels.  The Twelfth Plan  were prioritized. Factors such as the
       envisions  a  significant  increase  company’s leadership, reputation,
       in skill development for women,  and in-house training programs
       from traditional skills to emerging  were at the centre.

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