Page 47 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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females has had a positive influence for more meaningful—and more
on the organisation. Many of flexible—work. The expense of
them argue that having women living (e.g., housing, transportation,
on business boards has increased bills, etc.) was cited as the most
turnover, earnings, and return on important worry by Gen Zs
investment. In an article published (29%) and millennials (36%).
by Economic Times (Cracking the Furthermore, 12% of Gen Zs and
compensation code: A Times Job 11% of millennials cited political
Study) a rise in the inflation and the instability, war, and international
cost of living have caused employees crises as their top concerns. They do
to reconsider how they are rewarded not feel financially secure, and they
for their job. According to the are highly worried about wealth
Times Jobs poll, most employees disparity on a societal level. Almost
across generations choose larger ‘in- half of Generation Z (46%) and
hand’ compensation above other millennials (47%) live pay check to
components of remuneration. pay check and are concerned about
Almost 40% of baby boomers, 56% their ability to afford their bills.
of Gen X, and 41% of Gen Y workers Analysis and Findings
want more money in their pockets.
The desire for more in-hand salary is The literature review and the case
larger at the junior level, with nearly study gave deep insights into the
60% of junior employees requesting work culture and the disparities
more in-hand income. existing at workplace which aren’t
focused on platforms. In today’s
According to Mastufa Ahmed era Gen Y and Gen Z women are
(Want to retain Gen Z and breaking the glass ceilings and
millennial employees? Increase pay moving up the hierarchy ladder.
and tackle climate change) Gen Z Gender discrimination in the
and Millennial research, Gen Zs and workplace, colloquially known as
Millennials are intensely worried the “glass ceiling,” has emerged
about the status of the world and are as the most serious hindrance to
attempting to balance their desire women’s success. The composure,
for change with the obligations women have risen up the corporate
and restrictions of everyday living. ranks thanks to their expertise in
They are dealing with financial finance, albeit their presence in
issues while attempting to invest in senior roles is restricted. The study
ecologically sound options. They has helped in understanding the
are exhausted, but many are taking obstacles that women employees
up second jobs while advocating