Page 42 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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engagement, morale, flexibility, and an average of 11 jobs throughout
a work environment favourable their lives. However, individuals
to productivity. Most employees, of Generation Y will hold up to 20
particularly those with experience, different occupations, each lasting
take a long-term view of their career less than three years. Recruiters and
development and recognise the company owners trying to employ
strong link between a nurturing Millennials must understand what
workplace, professional growth, will draw prospective Gen-Yers to
and higher pay in the long run. their organizations and what will
They recognise that learning and keep them there.
progress are determined not only In this article, Chris Martin, a
by experiences and abilities, but also research economist,(Workplace
by the amount of exposure they Equity by Generation: Baby
will receive at work. In fact, a global Boomer, Gen X, Millennial & Gen
Gallup poll found that ‘caring about Z Stats. Published by: Syndio on
employee well-being’ is one of the August 4, 2022) pointed out that
top three criteria for employees equal pay is significant to Gen Z.
across all workforce generations. They are more likely than previous
People care about diversity and generations to apply to a firm that
inclusion, equity, and ethical pledges to equal pay and to leave a
corporate behaviour because they job if they discover their employer
want a good job and a fulfilling life. does not have a pay equality policy.
According to Eleanor Chilvers (The Pay fairness is the most critical
employee benefits that Generation gender-related worry among female
Z need – and why? Published Gen Z employees, but they are
by: Engage Health Group on 1st also more hopeful about gender
November 2022) recent college equality than previous generations.
graduates and younger professionals Millennials are most likely to believe
today are part of “Generation they are not earning a fair wage or
Y (Gen Y),” often known as a fair share of profits. This view
“Millennials.” In India, the job may be due, in part, to the fact that
trends of this generation contrast millennials make 20% less than baby
with those of previous generations. boomers at the same period of life
The “Greatest Generation” desires while having greater education
stability, changing occupations a few levels. This bias puts them on a
times throughout their lives. The lower path to wealth accumulation
“baby boomers” and “Generation because they are not only delaying
X” have grown restless, working home ownership but are also paying