Page 44 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 44
financial counseling sessions or glass ceiling measurement model;
loan payment assistance will help detect changes in the degree of glass
to create trust and loyalty with ceiling in Indian society, notably
your organization. Explaining the private colleges; and investigate
necessity of saving and assisting the influence of age, education,
them in developing future goals position, and wealth on perceptions
is one strategy to keep a young of the glass ceiling. In this article,
employee. Tushar Agarwal (Are There Glass-
Ceiling and Sticky-Floor Effects in
India? An Empirical Examination.
Published By: Oxford Development
Studies 41(3) on September 2013)
the gender pay differentials in the
Indian economy’s rural and urban
sectors are examined in this article.
Image Source: The hypotheses of a glass-ceiling
effect (a more considerable wage
Acorrding to Sakshi Sharma and disparity at the top of the wage-
Parul Shekhawat (Glass Ceiling for distribution range) and a sticky-
Women: Does it exist in the modern floor result (a broader wage gap at
India?) the primary necessity of
companies in the modern era is the bottom) are investigated. The
findings demonstrate the glass-
responsiveness to the business ceiling impact in the rural sector
environment and achieving and the sticky-floor effect in the
efficiency for competitive advantage. urban sector. The primary pay
Women’s empowerment can assist
organizations in reaching their full difference is deconstructed using
a counterfactual decomposition
potential. Nonetheless, women approach to discover the
face impediments that impede their contributions of attributes and
advancement in organizational and factors. The findings indicate
managerial hierarchies. Though
education has traditionally been that women face labor-market
a female-dominated field, the women at the bottom of the salary
situation is entirely different in distribution spectrum experience
private colleges, where a glass more prejudice than those at the
barrier persists for women when
it comes to advancement or being top.
assigned difficult work. The current
empirical study seeks to validate the