Page 48 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 48
face on their route to progress, as Y employees are also thought to
well as highlighting the gains that be career-oriented, motivated,
‘multi-task women’ have been able and financially independent.
to accomplish in breaking the glass They are equally at ease with
barrier. The patriarchal culture and digital technology as their male
continuous stream of orthodoxy colleagues and make extensive use
that has flourished in India since of the internet and social media to
ancient times have restricted women maintain personal and professional
their rights., On the other hand, relationships. It has also been
the women, have been tenacious in brought to light that by getting
overcoming the taboos that confine more women on board, increased
them within the four walls of the the total turnover of the business.
house and breaking their way into
the corporate world. Women in
the company today are advancing
in their careers by receiving their
due respect and recognition. The
women from these two generations
want to break these taboos and come
up as being strong and independent. Image Source:
These women are successful in
doing so and today the young The study also gave insights about
workforce is sometimes referred to how the gender disparity is one of
as Generation Y are well qualified, the driving factors for workplace
autonomous, and aggressive benefits disparity and how it has
since they were born in an era of been affecting the growth of the
globalisation, communication, and gen z individuals. The Gen Zers
information technology. They are are demanding not only benefits
also more technologically savvy and perks but also a job security
than previous generations and to lead a luxurious lifestyle. To
feel at ease operating in a digital tackle the challenge posed by the
world. This tech-savvy generation different generations and the new
distinguishes themselves from method of working, organisations
previous generations by having are likely to devise inventive,
high expectations of fast-track skill-based, differentiated, and at
advancement, handsome rewards, times ad-hoc incentive systems.
flexible work arrangements, and Concerns about wage fairness are
work-life balance. Female Gen understandable in light of the new