Page 53 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 53

to study on their own. They also  technically inclined and prefers to
       respect abilities that are appreciated,  work in an organisation that tries
       have  a  long-term  focus,  and  are  to encourage the use of technology
       self-starters. Their expectations  in the workplace. They are those
       differ  greatly  from  those  of  past  employees who will put their needs
       generations  because   of   their  over organisations need and are job
       distinctive qualities. The current  hoppers if they are not appreciated
       study contrasts the pay structures  or gets  better opportunity  in
       of Gen Z and Gen Y considering  market. This generation believes
       current business practises.        in experience and thinks it’s the
        There is a contractual relationship   biggest advantage. Experience from
       between an employer and an         past jobs helps in future that means
       employee at work, where the        learnings matters the most. This
       employee expects results from      Gen Y always keeps their personal
       their work or service to meet their   life on a high priority and balance
       needs or requirements and receives   it with work. They say we “work
       recognition up until association   to live and not live to work”. This
       with the organisation, and the     generation also believes that there
       employer  expects  loyalty,  hard   are other necessities that they would
       work, and dedication from the      rather meet than a high salary. The
       employee up until association.     shift of employee’s expectation
       More expectations have been raised   of Gen Y and Gen Z due to rising
       because of the most recent company   inflation,   improving   lifestyle,
       changes to its organisational      increase in need of growth in terms
       structure and method of operation,   of career and increase in emphasis
       including   characteristics  like  on learning or improving skills.
       employment  instability  and  a    The major shift of pay structure
       dynamic workforce. The internet    in the service sector is because of
       and technology have been a blessing   increase in technology.  This case
       for the Generation Z generation.   study compares the compensation
                                          and benefits of Gen Z and Gen Y
        GenY  being  an  older  generation   employees in service sector.
       they work in a traditional
       manner  and  have  a  very  different   Objectives
       expectations from their employer.   1. To study the pay structure of
       Employees ages in the workplace  Gen Z.
       are   becoming    more    diverse   2. To study the pay structure of
       nowadays. Gen Y are described as   Gen Y.

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