Page 58 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 58
When data is collected to describe communication, work, pleasure,
people, organisations, settings, or and information.
phenomena, a single descriptive 3. They are also focused
research design is used. When and try to develop themselves by
describing two or more groups on constantly learning new things and
the phenomenon being studied, implementing them in their day-to-
the researcher uses comparative day life.
descriptive language. The researcher
chose various organisations based 4. Gen Z is different to Gen Y
on their corporate size and the fact in terms of several factors like they
that they have been in business long are more tech savvy, more cautious,
enough to incorporate workers more individualistic, less tolerant,
from various generations. less patient, less focused, better at
multitasking. Since Gen Z are more
This descriptive method aided cautious, they are more likely to stay
in assessing the differences and longer with their first employee and
similarities between generations and by assuming that basic benefits are
how they relate to the workplace. provided.
Generations have different
perspectives on work ethic and how 5. Since they are more focused
they interact with members of other on owning and buying, experiencing
generations. salary, health insurance, training
and development programs will be
Findings and Analysis most important for them.
1. Gen Z and Gen Y employees 6. Since Gen Z workers are
in the service sector both expect to very money cautious, offering
use technology whenever required. financial counseling sessions or loan
Gen Z is the generation born with payment aid will help to build trust
technology and they are very much and loyalty with the organization.
dependent on technology whereas Also, this Gen is inclined towards
Gen Y is the generation who saw lifestyle, the employers supply the
the changes happening in the opportunity for personal growth.
technology industry had to adapt They can choose services like gym,
the technology and to get evolved, spa weekend getaway or any extra
but they are also called tech savvy. language training or any other
2. Both the generations i.e., course which will help them to
Gen Z and Gen Y are digitally grow them.
social that means they understand
and use social media apps for