Page 56 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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assured, happy, team-oriented, and  challenge for businesses due to their
       enthusiastic about social service  altered demographic characteristics
       activities than previous generations.  and social standards (Eisner,

        Gen Y                             O’Grady, 2009; Meier, Crocker,
                                          2010). Millennials acknowledge
        They feel at ease with technology   intrinsic motivation more often than
       and prefer using e-mail or text    extrinsic motivation. According to
       messages  to  speak  with  people  in   this research, it is further explained
       person. They are willing to forgo   that possibilities for career progress
       high salary in exchange for flexible   and promotion, as well as a satisfied,
       schedules, less billable hours, and   balanced life, are discovered to
       a better  work-life balance. They   be the leading  motivators  for
       have high expectations for their   Generation  Y  employees  rather
       employers and are ambitious.       than money (Kultalahti, Viitala,
       They are not averse to challenging   2014). Gen Y is described as
       authority or asking questions. They   technologically savvy and prefers
       have  a  good  learning  curve  and   to work in an organisation that
       desire meaningful employment.      encourages the use of technology in
       They   are   members    of   the   the workplace (Karefalk, Petterssen
       generation that believes in leaving   & Zhu, 2007). They also prefer
       no one behind and do well in teams.   working for an organisation
       Generation  Y  values  commitment,   that prioritises  their needs  over
       loyalty, and participation (Kane,   the needs of the organisation
       2010). Employees’ motivational     (Bassett, 2008) and are more likely
       elements change over time and      to pursue new opportunities if
       among different employees (Smola,   they are underappreciated (Cruz,
       Sutton, 2002). Additionally, several   2007). This  generation is bold
       academics  concur  that  managing   and unafraid to work in multiple
       different  generations  differently   organisations  because  they  believe
       (Guillot-Soulez, Soulez, 2014).    that previous work experience is
       Based on events from the cultural,   an added advantage (Safer, 2007).
       political, technical, and economic   Furthermore, Gen  Y does  not
       milieu experienced during their    necessarily seek monetary rewards
       childhood,   certain  generations  from    organisations   (Hewlett,
       appear to establish a distinctive   Sherbin  &    Sumberg,    2009).
       pattern of behaviour (Galeti et al.,   According to Döckel,  Basson, and
       2016a). The Millennial generation   Coetzee (2006), Gen Ys prefer
       of workers poses the greatest      intrinsic rewards such as work/life

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