Page 59 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
P. 59

7.    The Gen Z generation looks  giving    more     non-monetary
       at the culture of the organization  compensation to their employees.
       and that’s the biggest factor. There  Non-monetary    compensations
       are only two methods for a culture  like work life balance, constant
       to develop and evolve. “People can  support, and feedback from the
       invent within their own culture or  top management so that they can
       draw from other civilizations to  improve themselves.
       foster fresh growth and change.”    11.    Gen Y focuses more on non-
       In either case, those who will be   monetary rewards and believes that
       impacted by the changes must be    recognition is very important either
       ready to embrace them and work to   verbal or non-verbal. Recognition
       make them successful.              is necessary  to retain employees

        8.    Gen Z prefers face-to-face  and verbal  recognition should  be
       communication because they want  practiced often such as praises and
       to be taken seriously. They want  acknowledgement  that  will  help
       the bosses to value their opinions  them boost their esteem.
       and pay attention to their ideas.   Conclusion
       It suggests that the workplace
       should focus more on ideas and      The needs and motivators of
       contributions than it should on age.   Generation Z appear to be distinct
       Additionally, they want to work    from those of  prior generations.
       for  a  trustworthy  boss  who  will   As members of this generation
       be forthcoming and not withhold    join businesses, they will bring
       information from them due to their   their own distinct needs to the
       youth or position.                 workplace.  To create a  corporate
                                          culture and workplace that will give
        9.    Both the generations expect   the company a distinct  advantage
       more money apart from other        in the competition for top talent
       compensations respectively as these   employees from the Generation
       generations are constantly updating   Z, which will ultimately sustain
       themselves with new technology     organisational  growth  and  help
       and providing services in the service   the company remain successful,
       sector. The services like consulting,   it is crucial for the company to
       training, maintenance and repairs,   understand what matters to the
       hospitality  banking,  media,  and   Generation Z in advance. This
       entertainment etc.                 will  increase   the   company’s

        10.   Gen     Y    feels   that   attractiveness both inside and
       organizations should focus on  outside of the industry.

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