Page 57 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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balance and constant support and  organisations must provide an
       feedback from top management.  appealing compensation package.
       Because they are accustomed to  A compensation package is a
       technology that provides them  collection of different rewards that
       with  instant  gratification,  the  can include tangible rewards such as
       feedback provided  should also  be  pay (base salary, variable pay, stock
       instantaneous (Barnes, 2008). This  options,  etc.)  and  benefits  such
       generation also believes that there  as health care, retirement savings,
       are  other  needs  that  they  would  paid vacation, and so on; as well as
       rather meet than a high salary  intangible rewards such as learning
       (Twenge,  Campbell,  Hoffman  &  and development and a satisfying
       Lance, 2010). However, Anik et al.  work environment (Gherson, 2001;
       (2013) believe that most employees  Jensen, McMullen & Stark, 2007).
       prefer cash rewards (e.g., raises or   Research Methodology
       bonuses) because they can spend the
       money on their wants and needs.     With the purpose of achieving the
                                          objective of the pay structure of Gen
        A recent  study on students’ pays   Z  and  Gen  Y  and  differentiating
       preferences from the Faculty of    factors of compensation and
       Economics and Business in Zagreb   benefits  that  effects  Gen  Z  and
       (Galeti et al., 2016 a) revealed that   Gen Y. The  descriptive research
       students had a traditional outlook,   methodology has been used for the
       as evidenced by their preferences for   study of a comparative study of
       high base pay (typically attractive   compensation  and  benefits  and  its
       to older  employees) as opposed    effects on gen z and gen y employees
       to  a  propensity  for  flexible  pay   in the service sector. As a result of
       schemes based on performance.      the research only secondary data
       Employers will see a shift in how   have been used and examined.
       employees   perceive  themselves   Secondary data have been collected
       and   their  relationships  with   from books, journals, websites etc.
       organisations as Generation Y
       enters the labour market (Gherson,   In  this  research  secondary  data
       2001). “Increasingly, employees are   has been used with the help of
       behaving more like investors than   primary  data  which  some  of  the
       assets, seeking the best return on   organisations  researched.  The
       their investment of time and energy   companies data which is been used
       with an employer,” writes Gherson   are KPTCL, Bangalore,  private
       (p. 39). As a result, in order to   institutions in the state of Selangor
       attract and retain employees,      and many more.

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