Page 55 - Appreciating Organization's Biggest Assets
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to describe them. Each generation well informed, to be given the
is unique, but if we look at Gen-Z, opportunity to express their
we can see that it is distinct opinions or respond, and to have
from Gen-X and Gen-Y. This their responses actively heard
generation is culturally diverse and (Bascha, 2011). When compared
technologically sophisticated. With to Generation Y, Generation Z is
technology entering their lives at a seen as more loyal, trustworthy,
young age and the importance of tolerant, and less money minded
social networking, these individuals or motivated; they always seek
are primarily casual or informal organisations that are associated
and straightforward in their or collaborated with social
communication (Jianguanglung responsibility, social awareness,
Dangmei, 2017). Their existence and communities. They want to
is more closely tied to electronics see their organisation create jobs in
and the digital world than any their community. In comparison to
prior generation since they were Gen-Y, who witnessed a consumer-
born and nurtured in it. The most driven economy and received
technologically advanced and racially materialistic comfort, Gen-Z has
diverse generation is Generation experienced many stimulating
Z. Social networking is a crucial tumultuous times. They have
aspect of Generation Z’s existence, also witnessed their families’ and
and they have a casual, direct, and parents’ struggles and problems, as
distinctive communication style. well as the world’s recent pandemic
They are a generation that values of covid-19, which has heightened
DIY (according to the Institute for the emphasis on job creation. Some
Emerging Issues (2012)), According researchers believe that while Gen-Z
to Roseberry and McKibbin, is blessed with technology and is
one of the key characteristics of technologically savvy, they lack
Generation-Z is challenges and problem-solving skills. They find
curiosity. In addition, contrary to it difficult to analyse scenarios and
this, Generation Z is thought to be the situations and make sound decisions
generation with no or little memory (Coombs, 2013). However,
of the world before smartphones. understanding and knowledge of
KimParker (KimParker, 2020) their workplace expectations guide
Generation Z values transparency, them to a better, more productive,
clarity, flexibility, and personal and effective workplace with an
space/freedom in the workplace. efficient workforce (Meera Mathu,
Furthermore, they expect to be 2016). Generation Z is more self-