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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2022-23

              hands, or high-five. After watching more than 600 hours of YouTube movies, the system was
              able to correctly predict the action 43% of the time.

              Another well-known example of how deep learning can predict human behaviour is self- driving
              cars.  Researchers  at  Cornell  University  and  Stanford  University  developed  the  "Brains4Cars"
              system,  which  monitors  the  surrounding  traffic  as  well  as  the  driver's  body  language  using
              cameras, sensors, and wearable technology. The device sounds an alert when the driver appears
              to be heading in the direction of a collision. About 3.5 seconds in advance, the algorithm of the
              system can forecast the driver's behaviour.

              For marketers, being able to predict a customer's needs with accuracy is like finding gold. Yet by
              relying  less  on  preconceptions  and  hunches  and  more  on  statistical  insights,  marketers  can
              predict client behaviour more precisely with the help of trained AI – and even far into the future.

              As  an  example,  Netflix  prioritizes  personalization  using  AI,  and  the  recommendation  engine
              greatly  affects  the  amount  of  content  that  its  users  watch.  The  business  thinks  its  algorithms
              allow it to prevent losing $1 billion in sales annually due to customer attrition. Also, Amazon— a
              company well-known for its merchandise suggestion engine—uses AI to expedite delivery by
              determining the precise location to place goods in order to get them as close to customers as

              Benefits of using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing:

              Artificial intelligence marketing (AI Marketing) combines consumer data and AI principles like
              machine learning to anticipate your customers' next move and improve the customer journey.
              Innovations  in  artificial  intelligence  provide  firms  with  greater  tools  to  achieve  this.  AI  may
              completely  change  how  businesses  find,  nurture,  and  convert  prospects.  It  may  also  help
              businesses develop more successful marketing strategies.

              As per the data by Salesforce, the number of marketers reporting using AI increased by 186%
              YoY showing the immense growth of AI use cases in marketing.  AI can notably carry the below
              benefits to marketers:

              1)  Personalized and specific messages

              Using  predictive  analysis,  businesses  can  discover  customer  preferences  and  produce
              suggestions based on that information. This is used by both Netflix and Amazon to recommend TV
              shows and products, respectively. A set of data points that enable you to point users towards a
              specific product or service is extremely useful for marketers. Make it easy for users to find a

              2)  Cost savings
              Presence of chatbots and other AI tools would allow many of customer interactions to proceed
              without any human interference. It is projected that 85%+ conversations would happen via AI.

              3)  Simplifies marketing initiatives

              Deep  learning  and  artificial  intelligence  enable  computers  to  recognize  user  behaviour  and

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