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IMDR’s Journal of Management Development and Research 2022-23

              estimate which segments are most likely to become consumers more accurately. Programs can
              provide a wealth of information on which prospects are most likely to become clients, allowing
              marketers to concentrate their efforts on customers who are most likely to be converted rather
              than wasting time on leads who are less likely.
              4)  Personalized Products

              This entails locating potential customers using data on their prior purchases, location, and other
              aspects.  It  contains  the  real  goods  as  well  as  tracking  data  and  customer  information.  Under
              Armour recently employed IBM's Watson to combine their own customer information with data
              from  external  sources  to  personalize  fitness  and  health  tracking  app  called  "Record,"  for


              There is no doubt that all this deep learning development and investment will provide marketers
              exciting  opportunities.  In  fact,  McKinsey  opinion  makers  predicted  that  supply  chain
              management, manufacturing, marketing, and sales will make up most AI's business use cases.
              They  estimate  that  two-thirds  of  the  potential  for  AI  will  come  from  these  use  cases.  Their
              analysis shows that the value of the AI opportunity for marketing and sales for all organizations
              worldwide varies from $1.4 to $2.6 trillion. Additionally, they forecast that 40% of the future
              value that analytics can now offer will be provided by deep learning-related AI techniques.

              A vast range of things are possible using AI.  It  can help marketers work more efficiently by
              streamlining processes like content creation, campaign design, segmentation, etc. The fact that the
              data AI uses is constantly changing and evolving gives it the flexibility to base its output on the
              most recent statistics and trends. The availability of analysis and insights to enhance decision-
              making is made possible by this and the volume of information.

              Even  though  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  is  still  in  its  infancy,  it  is  constantly  improving.
              Businesses may use AI more efficiently than ever thanks to its increased availability, and many
              companies are already incorporating AI into their marketing strategies.
              Particularly  for  digital  marketing,  AI  holds  enormous  promise  for  revenue  growth  and  cost
              reduction.  Marketing  agencies  may  now  provide  targeted,  interactive  intelligence  advertising
              thanks  to  advanced  AI.  Making  predictions  using  machine  learning  and  AI  is  how it  works.
              Many of the tools and applications we use daily are already attempting to predict your behaviour
              and provide advice and information based on this knowledge. Digital marketing agencies have a
              broad  range  of  responsibilities,  from  automating  time-consuming  processes  to gathering  and
              analyzing vast amounts of data to understand the needs of clients. Many tools are being used by
              marketers such brand watch, Growth bar etc. to help, with predictive analytics, content moderation

              AI-powered, robots may eventually replace humans in a variety of occupations, such as coding,
              authoring, and customer support. The near future closely resembles the sci-fi films with self-
              driving, sophisticated robotics both in development. Leading AI startup DeepMind serves as an
              example  of  what  the  present  and  future  may  include.  Instead  of  being  pre-programmed,
              DeepMind technology absorbs input and learns from experience. The current Go world champion
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